Cartel – V8

Description:   (under review)

Start on lowest right crimps, move left to crimp w/thumbcatch. power to lip. *a large chunk came off the right side of the original start rail in ~2016/17, making for a much better positioned and more positive heel-hook.

*edit (2022): The crimp used for the first move was accidentally broken off, making the problem starting from the original start holds likely much harder

*edit (2024). The ful line has been re fa'd and The problem goes from the original start at around V11.

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Recent Sendage:

  • V6
    Post break stand start.
  • V6
    “Stand” version now unfortunately but still a cool jump and campus boulder
  • V6
    Exploded off a hold while heel-hooking the starting hold. Now it goes from the high left pinch and a right hand sidepull crimp. Very good and honestly one of the best short powerful problems in this area. Good landing too and easy for a solo session.
  • V8
    Pretty sure I was the final ascent pre-break, read the day after that the crimp exploded.
  • V9
    Fun climb, but I feel it is a V8.