Brontosaurus – 5.10c

22m / 72ft, 9 bolts

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.10c
    Super good climb! A bit tricky to get onto the face after the first bolt. A sweet traverse on the face and fun movement over the bulge. Mossy and very easy above the bulge.
  • 5.10c
  • 5.10c
    Decent warmup. Tricky at the bulge.
  • 5.11b
    One of the best lines I've had the pleasure to climb in Naniamo. Wildly varied and wildly fun. I've climbed Squamish Top 100's that aren't this good.
  • 5.10c
    Are you kidding me 10c? Lol. I no longer want to look at grades. ...And the route was clean, except for the last couple bolts- which is easy enough at that point.