Bridge of Khazad dum – V2

FA: Jake Tiger - 2021-03-14


On the same boulder as Framonda (v3) and Balrog (v7). Start on the far right side of the lip sit starting ontop of a sharp rock. Traverse right to left and topout same as Balrog. Really perfect rock quality on this one. Gorgeous view too. Check out the river from up here!

Recent Sendage:

  • V2
    Honestly might be the best V2 at the Glen. I really enjoyed it.
  • V2
    Quality climbing with a poor landing
  • V2
    2021-03-14 (FA)
    On the same boulder as Framonda (v3) and Balrog (v7). Start on the far right side of the lip sit starting ontop of a sharp rock. Traverse right to left and topout same as Balrog. Really perfect rock quality on this one. Gorgeous view too. Check out the river from up here!