Boba Fett – V5


Sit start slightly right of the pondering, left hand on the Ponderings start jug and right hand on a crimp. Climb the crimpy painted face to the lop and top it out.

Recent Sendage:

  • V5
    Kinda fun. Harder than the pondering
  • V5
    I’m sure if you’re strong and short you’d like this one. Little loaded spring to pop to the finish jug. Very scrunchy for me but I liked it!
  • V5
    Worth going up if you are in the area. Short climber consolation send for not being able to reach high enough for the pondering.
  • V5
  • V5
    Looked at it a couple years ago and had no idea how the beta went. This year the beta came to me and it was quite fun. 2 others sent that day and used different beta (everyone used the high Left hand crescent)