Batman – 5.11d


A very thrilling climb. Very sporty moves. A flake hold broke off 8/12/2020 (thanks tim). May change the grade?

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11d
    Nice day out in the shade and in the sun with Good Luck Keyan. This is another local climb that's hard to grade... I think 11d seems right to me. There's only one hard move but it's huge and perhaps if you have less than a 6 foot wingspan it could be harder. Now on to the hardest 12- around except maybe for Not Fade.
  • 5.12a
    One of the biggest moves Ive ever done on a sport climb, just fucking throw for it! I bet Bruce Wayne would even struggle on it
  • 5.11d
    Classic bolted by my older brother over 15years ago
  • 5.12a
    Quickly fell in love with this one as I like a challenge. There’s no more direct start as holds have broken off. I start up the left and trend right at the second draw. My feet have to leave the wall to stick the dead point dyno and it’s a really heinous/low percentage move equally as nails as the crux on resistor. I would say 11d/12a height dependant for sure. Thanks for the belays Adrian! I look forward to sending the last couple climbs in Mara with ya!
  • 5.12a
    Definitely a big reachy move to begin, easier to the top