Aluminum Reflux – V6

FA: Jake Tiger - 2024-10-13


Start same as Cooper Reflux but go straight up towards a deep muddy pocket then topout on the slab above, trending to the left

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  • V6
    2024-10-13 (FA)
    I had joked in the past, when looking at Copper Reflux, that it would be cool to climb it straight up and topout on the slab. Since there was already a rope setup on Copper today, I figured I’d check out the slab, for shits and giggles. Turned out to be quite secure and easy. Which was good, because at that point youre in a no fall zone. This one is no different because lots of boulders have easy, no fall zone topouts, after an overhang. It was not my intention to do this today, it wasnt even in my mind but, after-all, why not right? Transferring onto the slab from the beginning of Copper Reflux was the next question. It was soon answered by an extremely juggy and muddy pocket that can be used to get you onto the slab. The name come from the fact that i used aluminum foil in the pocket jug to cover the mud