Admissions Scandal – V3

FA: Justin Wotherspoon - 2021-04-18


Sit Start at the micro edge rail in the middle of the face on the opposite side of the boulder from Skating By and climb straight up on side crimps! The left jug rail is out and a different line ("Early Acceptance").

A harder variation starts on lower hand holds, but is still a V3.

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Recent Sendage:

  • V3
  • V3
  • V3
    This climb was tricky but so fun trying different beta on it. More fun and other options on the low start variation.
  • V3
    Low sit start below the middle microcrimps for the hard V3 grade. Any line that uses the left rail is a V1/V2
  • V3
    If you can reach the rail, it's more like a 3 since first 2 moves feel the hardest. Great climb!!