Krystian Klucznik

  • 5.8
    1go, In my opinion V in Kurtyka scale. I haven't got any idea who gave this route a VI...
  • 5.10b
    4go. Beautiful route with overhanging start. In my opinion hard 6a+, Polish VI+
  • 5.10a
    2go, on the left side of cave called Skała z Grotą. Very nice climb and very angry to myself that I didn't send it in first try
  • 5.10c
    On the right of Ty rano żarłeś rex. 2go on this trip, one try 4 months ago. Good start with tricky beta and crux on the and of route. My second VI.1
  • 5.10a
    Very strange route for me. . 3-4 try in all. Start on the left of quickdraws- VI. On the right side- VI.1 or VI.1+. So many variations...
  • 5.10c
    First VI.1!! short but very interesting and beautifull route with one strange and hard move in the end- two small crimps on overhanging face. then you have to do quick move to the last open hand hold and that's all:) Polish 6.1- My the hardest RP so far:)
  • 5.10b
    close to OS:) Second go. It starts 3-metres overhanging crack and next we're climbing on quite good holds. For my very psychical route:) VI/+