Recent Sendage:

  • V4
    Loved the top section but the bottom is just too crotchy for top 100 status. Just too crotchy. The block looks really cool
  • V4
    super awkward beginning to a really fun top section... don't think it's top 100 though.
  • V4
    This has some of my favorite moves of any boulder in gold bar.
  • V4
    Beta spoiler: campus hump the slab, stand up to jug, put heel on and hope you don't die. The fact that this is on the top 100 list confirms my conviction that yelp reviews are not to be taken seriously: they're written by drunk people with bad taste who are slightly forgetful and angry about something
  • V4
    Bailed off the moss covered top on the first attempt. Made mah peeps worry.