Witness the Sickness – V11

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  • V11
    Finally made it to Rocklands and finally feeling over the Covid/jetlag/travel trauma. Came together real fast. Fuckin' hell I love sandstone, and compressing it. No knee pad, cuz that ain't how I roll.
  • V11
  • V11
    First send of the trip cuz first day was just a few repeats and not feeling gr8
  • V10
    wowowow it happened! took it to the top on the first time i successfully got the knee in (and just barely). very satisfying to go from unable to do moves a few seasons ago to trying it in earnest this year and piecing it together, with crucial beta tweaks all the way into the final session (a normal pinch works just fine). fourth session, such a good one. thanks to coach cliff for suggesting i wait and not play around on awunda. needed all the power
  • V10
    Doing the wrong beta doesn’t make a route a different grade.