The Wedgie – 5.10d

26m / 85ft, 8 bolts


Start on 'Assholes of August' (most will want a cam) and then face climb to the right. Runout, but easy, at the top. 8 bolts (26m) Prep: Howie Richardson; FA: Robin Richardson, 2002.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.10d
    I thought I was on the 10b but accidentally climbed this route and was caught off guard by how thin the holds were. The runout at the top isn't hard but is still kinda dangerous. Classic sustained old-school face climbing. Not a gimme. Ended up in bushes and moss near the top because I mantled early and got my rope stuck in a shrubbery. Almost died on what I thought was a 10b! Heavens!
  • 5.10d
  • 5.10d
  • 5.10d