Walk on the Water – V8

FA: Jake Tiger - 2023-07-15


Start the same as Clearwater Revival and go right towards the crack. Finish up the crack

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  • V8
    2023-07-15 (FA)
    This line starts the same as Clearwater Revival, opened by Marc . I had seen a mention of this line in the guidebook after I had done Marcs line that said: it had previously been done on top rope but never bouldered. So I took that as a challenge. Clearly its a very striking line that deserved to be done in the right style, so I went to work. I came here after work one day to build a landing out of logs to protect the pit that was in the fall zone but after practicing it on a rope I was able to do it without falling. Im pretty sure the landing would have been fine if I had fallen but Im glad I didn;t and found my way to the top. Big thanks to the love of my life Maude for helping me carry pads, moving the pads around while I was climbing and being incredibly supportive. ALSO: I am not a crack specialist so this may feel easier for some one who is good at jamming