Thou Shalt Not Pass – V7 ↑

FA: toshsherkat - 2018-10-21


Labeled as Filthy Hobbitsies V6 in the Topo, but it was an undone project.

Recent Sendage:

  • V7 ↑
  • V7 ↑
    Fun sequence through the slopers and tiny crimps! Rip skinπŸ₯²
  • V8 ↓
    Super fun line small crimps and slopers its got it all! Took a bit to figure out beta that worked but after that smooth sailing.
  • V8 ↓
    2018-10-21 (FA)
    Rad crimpy problem left of sauron's eye. The line under the tree, which is a little annoying, but not too bad if you've got a good spotter and strong elbows. Starts on the obvious jug on the left of the boulder, and powers up the face using the slopers on the arete. Thanks Allen for the clean and direction on the line!
  • V7
    Fantastic compression, crimping and stone on this pure line. Very sustained with really cool slopers. Definitely deserves more stars and a downgrade now that the tree is gone!