Rogue Wave – 5.11d

12m / 39ft

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11d
    Make some lucky choices and fought like hell to hold on despite the lack of chalk and dusty holds. Super fun climb, very punchy and an exciting finish!
  • 5.11d
    It’s short, but it’s hard right from the ground.
  • 5.11d
    Thanks for the beta Jay!
  • 5.12a
    The first move off the ground is the crux, bring your Bouldering strength. The rest has great sustained climbing that doesn't let up until the top. Good route for a shorty!
  • 5.12a
    Blew the flash as I was blinded by sunlight after the 3rd bolt and hunting for holds. Not generally a fan of short routes but that headwall is really fun climbing. 2nd go