Right Potato Bonda – V9


Start on a couple of good edges down and left of the black pod under the first lip of the overhang. Climb into the pod and bust out left hand to a square incut edge. rumor has it that the original way forgos the large right-hand sloper for the three-finger pocket. And this beta gives it the V10 grade. However, consensus generally seems that with the new school beta, it's still in the V9/10 range. Do what you will with that fun fact.

Recent Sendage:

  • V9
  • V9
  • V9
    i was so stoked to have done a V8 in one session... then somehow this happened. Hard for me to give this V10 considering it took me one session. Even tho I wanted to so bad. Still hardest climb I've done to date. And 4 months post injury! Woot!!
  • V9
    Everything on this problem felt hard until suddenly it all clicked. Really stoked to send it!!!
  • V9