The raptor – V5

FA: bradleygeorge - 2021-10-21


Start on the jugs under the roof with a right foot deep and low and a great left heel cam punch up the obvious holds in the roof with some trickery. End up exiting out the left hand side of the prow on good holds and heel hooks( update 2024 - the jug at the tip of the prow has broken leaving a sloper potentially increasing the difficulty by1/2 letter grades )

Recent Sendage:

  • V5
    2021-10-21 (FA)
    Hiding halfway up the hill a perfect platform and overhang protrudes from slab walls, the lookout is a great place for a hang and the climbing is amazing, update 2024 I reclimbed the boulder and broke the prow jug, still goes but is quite a bit harder maybe v6/7 now ?