Pass The Baton – 5.11c

20m / 66ft, 9 bolts
FA: Sean Martin - 2022-04-10


The route can be split into two parts. Climb the corner crack and flake above to a ledge. From the ledge boulder straight up the bulge to stay true to the route. Pleasant climbing to the anchors.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11c
    Typical reachy crux at the bulge. I thought the start was hard too. That block tho…
  • 5.11c
  • 5.11c
    bottom dihedral is sweet, upper roof is cool. bit sketched and the HUGE block midway that appears detached, but it didn't seem to move. very cool setting too
  • 5.11c
    Hard!! *TRs for bb*
  • 5.11c
    Blew the onsight shorting the move above the small roof at the top but after taking a peek over the lip, realized I just had to think tall thoughts. Second go