Party On Wayne – 5.12a

11m / 35ft, 6 bolts


The right climb beside party on garth. Party on garth is the left line direct up the middle bulge, feather on the breath of God is the same left line as garth but with using the holds out left at arete (no eliminate) and party on wayne is the right line up the right side pinnacle arete.

See picture for Gus' guidebook reference on Rakkup app.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12a
    Super fun! But kinda easy for a taller person!
  • 5.12a
    Probably 12a? The moves off the deck are hard. I fell doing it 5 or 6x before I stuck it. You can practice the hardest move off the right side gully and then rip it from the deck
  • 5.12a
    Tough moves off the deck to easier climbing up top