La Nouille Technique – 5.11b

18m / 59ft, 8 bolts
FA: Jimmy Blackhall - 2018-09-19


Start below the left-trending corner, under the roof. An intricate, background in technical climbing will be your best ally. Equipped with perma-draws for Rainbow Walls Warmup.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11b
  • 5.11b
    Much easier 4 years later
  • 5.11b
  • 5.11b
    Techy start into glorious 5.10 climbing
  • 5.11b
    2018-09-19 (FA)
    For Cynthia. You are the petite, technica Noodle! Your ability in Technical terrain is beauty to watch. 2nd shot after ticking all the holds in the beta run. Fresh 10C day inbetween the sun, after 2 weeks of Rain. Thanks Kris for the comradeship 👏🏼