Naughty Karate – V10


Bring all your tricks for this one. Begin with a right-hand sidepull and a cool left-hand pinch, climb out the steep roof, match the lip and tooth hold, and launch to the slopey edge up and right. Finish on the lip traverse. Guide gives it v11, but consensus has bumped it down a notch.

Recent Sendage:

  • V10
  • V10
    Easily one of the coolest climbs in Carver. So happy to have gotten the send after wanting it for so long. Conditions were less than ideal as the top was a little damp.
  • V10
    All the holds on this one are fun. First ten in a sesh!
  • V10
    So many tricks, 10/10 worst conditions, felt a bit shaky and impatient on this but still really good boulder
  • V10
    so sick