King of the Road – 5.8

11m / 36ft, 4 bolts


A short climb with large holds all the way from the bottom. Holds are greasy and well polished but manageable with a bit of strength. In the day the sun is in full effect on the wall which makes it a bit hot for confort.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.8
    Thé worst climb I’ve ever done. Everything was bad about it. But it’s fine if you like polished climbing
  • 5.8
  • 5.8
    Very polished. Jugs all day though.
  • 5.8
    FS, it's interesting figuring out what my comfort level is on a climb. With this having slight overhang i.e. more exposure i felt ok. But on some of the stuff to the right with jugs but some polish i got so freaked out.
  • 5.8
    Low crux protects jugs above