King in the North – V7

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  • V7
    I’ll give this one 4.5 stars out of 5 but leaning towards five because it’s so sick. Just a bit of choss at the bottom but it’s not really a bother. After some rope rehearsal I bouldered it first try but wasn’t happy with some hesitations and sloppy climbing, so I felt like I had to do it again. A nice highball like this deserves confident, smooth climbing otherwise: what am I even doing up there? As I was trying to repeat it I fell a couple times during a committing foot raise. I mean, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t take at least one fall off the highball, right? Haha. Everything considered: an incredible climb. Fun to do so I had no problem trying to repeat it as a cleaner ascent.
  • V7
    Great team send with Leo Paul the poulin
  • V7
    Super beau high(high)ball, ça vaut la peine de l'essayer sur corde au début
  • V7
    Insane. high high