jambo's redemption – 5.12c

25m / 82ft, 9 bolts


Stacked boulder problems lead up and out of the cave. A classic. (JM, CL, AT, 2017).

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12c
    Super sick route, super sequencey and had to still fight even after the cruxes. First of the grade.
  • 5.12c
    So good! great movement. If you use the corner to skip the first boulder I'm calling this "jambo's sin" at one grade easier. good benchmark
  • 5.12c
  • 5.12c
    I tried to onsight last year and failed and left it like that, cameback a this summer without any memories of it and it went first go. So maybe not a real flash but a retro flash? Really dope climb in a surreal place. It's worth going the extra distance just to try it