Iron Fly – V9

Show Beta

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  • V9
    Seeing people say the heel beta is easier, but the dyno was also pretty casual, maybe this is just V8. Had one good attempt and then a ton of really bad ones, realized the problem was that the sharp left foot had dug a hole in my rubber. Sent first try after switching to a new pair of shoes. Top was so hot in the sun I totally botched it lol.
  • V9
    Deadpoint heel hook. Sick.
  • V9
    went left hand to small crimp/sloper, then right to a small knob, then left to victory jug.
  • V9
    Couple of goes. I'm sure the dyno is cool, but the heel and lock method is just so much easier.
  • V9
    Tried briefly a few years ago and sent in 4 or 5 goes today with the heel. Never been more surprised by a send than this!