Hellenistic – V6

FA: Jake Tiger - 2021-08-14

Recent Sendage:

  • V6
    This one felt weird, the right hand move to the sloper rail seems redundant and trying to make the left hand from there seems incredibly morpho. Just did the left hand move staying on the start hold, and felt very soft, easier than Maccabee.
  • V6
    2021-08-14 (FA)
    Starts directly right of Maccabee on a LH crimp and a RH flat rail undercling. Work your RH up a slopy rail and then dyno up left to a far sloper for compression. Topout same as Maccabee. Watch out for the hazardous death spike behind you. Fun but stressful climbing. Could be soft for the grade. I did a very reachy move