Generation Y – 5.12a

14m / 46ft, 6 bolts


A consistently sustained 5.12b. Originally graded 5.12a but has since been upgraded for the relentless hard moves one after another. The only good rest is very close to the finish.

FA: Matt McCormick

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12a
    12a/b. was easier than yhop for me but quite sustained climbing. send go felt “fucking casual” as samir said it looked - just one of those days except it was hot humid 30 degree. but nice to have this climb take my mind off the mega proj
  • 5.12b
    This took longer to send than anticipated, but worth the effort. VERY beta-intensinve power endurance route with a kick in the pants at the finish! Realistically it felt more like 12c to me given how sustained it is.
  • 5.12b
  • 5.12a
    Who even knows man?
  • 5.12b
    This thing is 12b for sure. Even compared to other crags grading. Harder than stitches and old and ys in my opinion