Desert Dyke – 5.10b (trad)

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  • 5.10b
    quality but not "well protected" as the guide claims - first piece is way off the deck.
  • 5.10b
    Was having a good day out some years ago and tried to OS solo it… it was hot and in the sun and I ended up grabbing/stepping on a bolt at the high crux. Came back, got up to the same position, and again contemplated stepping on the bolt, but after five minutes or so of pondering life, I committed and finished it up
  • 5.10b
  • 5.10b
    Third attempt. Fell twice about a foot up. Nice way to get an extra pitch in just before Memorial ledge.
  • 5.10a
    Painfully runout... 10a in the book, which felt about right