Corporal Punishment – V8


Start on flat ledge around corner and traverse lip all the way right.

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Recent Sendage:

  • V8
    Yeah. Pumpy traverse on open hand crimps.
  • V8
    Really proud of this one, it doesn't even really look like a climb but somehow I negotiated the tiny slimpers, dismal slopers and bad feet all the way into Gruel. Stout.
  • V8
    Pumpy, but definitely more fun than most controved lip traverses
  • V8
    For a lip traverse this is a great problem. Once you figure out the beta it climbs really well. As I topped out I had a climbing epiphany, I thought I had finally figured out how to climb at Carver. Unfortunately my euphoria was fleeting as I got shut down by everything else the rest of the day.
  • V8
    Thuggy. 2nd try from the start, but may have tried it when I did Gruel years ago?