Chimp Empire – V6

FA: Bryan Sexauer - 2023-08-04


Top Highball? Diagonal rail to a big squeeze and blocky slopers.
Located Behind Special Hug on the back of the End of My Rope Boulder.

Recent Sendage:

  • V5
    Incredible line. Lots of work was done for the landing. Beautiful and fun to climb. Had scoped this line out a couple years ago but I didnt want to put in the work for the landing and figured if I were to do it , it would just be a solo and decided to put it off. Not so sketchy feeling now. Top third is very secure feeling. Very aesthetic, very satisfying and thoroughly enjoyable.
  • V6
    2023-08-04 (FA)
    Difficulty is in the first half. As the route trends left you end up over an airy dropoff for the last few moves.