Brown Sugar – 5.12d

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12d
    ”I was really hoping there would be some big Mommy Milkers up here”
  • 5.12d
  • 5.12d
    So. Many. One-hangs. Awesome route!!!
  • 5.12d
    Don’t tell my homies I am starting to enjoy steep jug hauls. 1 hung it a few times and it felt chill. Had to go buck on the go for the move to the jug pod and really struggled to keep it together on the headwall. Almost blew it right under the chains. Felt solid 12d with no knees…
  • 5.12d
    Last go send on the last day at Arrow. Amped to piece this awesome rig together in three days. Fantastic movement through the bottom, followed by quite the journey to the chains.