Brown Belt – V4

FA: Miles Adamson - 2013-07-31

Recent Sendage:

  • V4
    Spent at least 1.5 hours retro scrubbing this line and it was worth it!! Very high quality. However I did remove a large choss block at the beginning. I sent it once but I realized I didn’t clean all the holds after the hueco so it felt very sketchy so I topped out then cleaned all the holds to send it again but when as I went up for my second send I was rushing and broke a foot and took a decent fall. Shrugged that off and sent again. Very nice delicate climbing on slaby features with good holds. What a cool jug pocket at the top!! Definitely a thank goodness feeling once you grab it. Really enjoyed this one
  • V4
    2013-07-31 (FA)
    FA flash?? I guess so
  • V4