Blacked Out – V10

FA: Jonah Kreitzberg - 2021-01-13


Start the same at Black Licorice but when you hit the God Module hold, go direct through the roof using an incut hueco style crimp and some iron shoulders before dropping off on the slot jug as well.

Recent Sendage:

  • V10
    That crimp has got to be one of the sickest holds in central OR. Felt like I was in Hueco. Having a blast in this cave! 10 hand moves with my new beta for the start
  • V10
    Mandatory last move punt, felt much easier with JF's slightly different foot beta for the rip. Probably the best send train I have been apart of.
  • V10
    2021-01-13 (FA)
    Right var black licorice. Super nice holds though it’s a bit forced