Be A Hoot, Don't Noise Pollute – 5.10a


Start just right of a large tree (about 1m left of Molson's). Climb to a roof. Make a longe move to a pocket for the right hand and high step to crank up to pockets.... or just cockroach to the right when no one is looking. Amazing moves up a prow lead to a crux ledge and headwall that is tricky for the grade (10a). At the top is easy moves up an arete to anchors.

FA: Unknown

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.10a
  • 5.10a
  • 5.10a
    Felt hard for the grade!
  • 5.10b
    Flowy bottom to a one bolt crux that keeps you on your toes
  • 5.10a
    Great 10a. Beta intensive but very adventurous and fun. Favorite 10a at rattle hands down. It's a classic for the grade