SFU Boulders

12 Boulder Problems


In theory there are three boulders here. In reality, there is one actual boulder and two tiny chest height boulders. You'll have more fun if you stick to the big one. Grippy, coarse granite and dries very fast. Most of the business is at the bottom, with easy top-outs. The tree on the north face is now gone.

The Big Boulder:
The side facing the road has harder problems, while the side facing into the forest has easier problems. Downclimb to descend.

Directions / Travel Info:

At the Intersection on the mountain, head down the mountain following Burnaby Mountain Parkway, after about 200 meters, there used to be a gravel pull out on your right. Now the closest parking is at the nature park road about 650m west of the boulder. The new wide sidewalk and concrete wall have made access difficult; use the paved path along the road back up east from parking till you see the main boulder just inside the forest edge and clearly visible. Then down climb the wall (2m) . Other "boulders" exist farther into the forest, but are really too small to have any climbing on them.

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