Lone Rock Point

5 Sport Climbs


A mid 5.13 climber's paradise, Lone Rock Point is a gorgeous beautiful limestone cliff that hangs above Lake Champlain just north of Burlington. Quality climbing here starts at 5.12 with a large number of 5.13 variations. A lone 5.14a tops out the sent projects with one unknown project still left. It's worth noting that this area only has one 5.10 and it's hard. (from mountain proj

Directions / Travel Info:

In order to maintain climbing access for many years to come, please follow the following guidelines:

*All climbers must get a Rock Point Property Pass via the process described here: https://www.rockpointvt.org/visitor-passes. CRAG-VT highly suggests making a donation to the Rock Point Center as part of the process. It will help to mitigate fees incurred by CRAG-VT to ensure access and allow the Rock Point Center to continue to offer their unique property to the general public.

*Sign in at the kiosk located at the Diocesan offices parking lot and utilize the marked trail to reach the cliff. Sign out when leaving.

*The number of climbers is limited to 8 at any given time. Please check in with the register at the kiosk to ensure that there is adequate capacity.

*Lone Rock Point is only open during daylight hours for climbing.

*No camping or fires are permitted. Leave no trace.

*Do not add any additional fixed gear to the cliff. This would ruin climber relations with the diocese. Please just climb on what is there for now.

*Abide by closures as indicated on the calendar at the kiosk. CRAG-VT will try to keep you updated via their website, however the Diocese reserves the right to close the property at any time.

Any issues with the process or the property may be directed to info@cragvt.org or the Rock Point liaison, Peter Clark.

More Info:

You cooperation is GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!

(From mountain proj)


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