Eagle Pass Boulders

62 Boulder Problems


For free topos, photos, and all the info you need, visit www.revelstokebouldering.ca

The boulders are found West of Revelstoke on the EAGLE PASS
FSR (forest service road) off of the trans-canada HWY # 1. From the main
intersection accessing Revelstoke (Victoria/Laforme and HWY 1) you must head
West towards Kamloops on the HWY. You will cross the mighty Columbia River and
reach the intersection for HWY 23 South/Westsyde RD. (also a set of lights) - this is
where you restart your odometer!! Continue past the intersection for 7 km's and until
you have JUST passed the second set of passing-lanes from town. Use the shoulder
of the HWY to slow down and turn RIGHT onto Eagle Pass FSR. *If the road
dead-ends in 100 metres, you've turned on the wrong road and turned too early!* The
Eagle Pass road will perform switch-back immediately and climb up the slopes.
Once you have gone 700 metres and you have crossed a dry creek (if your lucky) you
will have reached an area to park at the edge of the Cut-block on the left. Pull-over
and Park. From parking you will continue up the FSR 20 metres to the P-Boulder
and trail-head marked with Cairns on the right side and upwards on the

Note: FSR 20 has been refurbished. You can park at the apex of the first switchback and walk along the gravel road for about 500m before it turns to a faint trail that leads you to the Warmups Area.

Note: Bring a large brush and bring your friends to this area, with some love it can be a great bouldering spot!

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