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The boulders are found West of Revelstoke on the EAGLE PASS
FSR (forest service road) off of the trans-canada HWY # 1. From the main
intersection accessing Revelstoke (Victoria/Laforme and HWY 1) you must head
West towards Kamloops on the HWY. You will cross the mighty Columbia River and
reach the intersection for HWY 23 South/Westsyde RD. (also a set of lights) - this is
where you restart your odometer!! Continue past the intersection for 7 km's and until
you have JUST passed the second set of passing-lanes from town. Use the shoulder
of the HWY to slow down and turn RIGHT onto Eagle Pass FSR. *If the road
dead-ends in 100 metres, you've turned on the wrong road and turned too early!* The
Eagle Pass road will perform switch-back immediately and climb up the slopes.
Once you have gone 700 metres and you have crossed a dry creek (if your lucky) you
will have reached an area to park at the edge of the Cut-block on the left. Pull-over
and Park. From parking you will continue up the FSR 20 metres to the P-Boulder
and trail-head marked with Cairns on the right side and upwards on the
Note: FSR 20 has been refurbished. You can park at the apex of the first switchback and walk along the gravel road for about 500m before it turns to a faint trail that leads you to the Warmups Area.
Note: Bring a large brush and bring your friends to this area, with some love it can be a great bouldering spot!
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