Social Deviant – 5.10b (trad)


First crack you see when the trail meets the Crag. One bolt to protect the opening moves then a fun crack to the bolted cruxy finish.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.10b
    Fun little crack, was great to get a couple hand / foot jams on lower island rock! Although, was super dirty and I didn't find the gear to be all that great.
  • 5.10b
    A delight! The bolts were thoughtfully placed and the crack takes gear decently well though I spent a fair amount of time fiddling. A great lead. For me the crux is the bolted face up high.
  • 5.10b
    Power moves past the starting bolt is likely the crux. The crack above takes gear fairly well, but has a stretch where it flares and scares. Three more bolts on the face at the top protect a demi crux, 10a-ish.
  • 5.10b
    A very cool crack climb that has a tougher top section.