Lucky For Some – 5.11c

30m / 98ft, 17 bolts


Really cool, super fun addition to Casino Wall. It is the first route to the right of "Poker Face" and starts in a big right facing corner by a big tree next to the wall. Just left of a very short 5.9 with 4 bolts.

Be careful as there are a number of very loose and hollow blocks on route. You can definitely skip or move 1-2 draws as there are 17 bolts on this 30m route.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11c
    Really enjoyable
  • 5.11c
    Great climb. Would have been a hell of an effort to clean this thing up. Got through the crux just as my hands were numbing out. The highlight of a day doing all the highest star rated climbs on casino wall.
  • 5.11c
  • 5.11c
    Super fun addition. The bolts are a little more spaced through the cruxes which helps avoid some unnecessary pump...
  • 5.11c