Extended Stay – 5.12d

30m / 98ft, 15 bolts
FA: pheney - 2021-10-23


Start on ledges 3 m to the right of ‘Power and Grace’ and climb through blocky overlaps on varied grips. 7 bolts into the chain draws of ‘Icarus’.

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12d
    Technical face climbing that leads into Icarus... so awesome :) Wet rock on the top-out kept the send in question right up to the chains.
  • 5.12d
  • 5.12d
    2021-10-23 (FA)
    So psyched to have contributed what I think is a great addition to a place near and dear to my heart. Thanks Mason for providing lots of help and the tools for bolting my first line and Jon Jones for donating some hardware we were short. Relatively easy but pumpy climbing up the overlap leads to some powerful moves on smaller holds before meeting up with and finishing on Icarus.