Arch Druid – V5

Recent Sendage:

  • V5
    Yet another incredible Druid Stones climb! Such a cool finish move to the slot.
  • V5
  • V4
    Not V5. But fucking amazing. Go Watch West Coast Pimp and tell I’m wrong. I’ll wait.
  • V6
    Not sure how in the HELL I was supposed to make that big throw to the hueco from the low left jugs. Felt impossible to me, definitely harder than v5. I ended up moving left on tiny crimps, heel hooking the low left jugs and going left to the hueco. And Mt. Project says v5-... Feels a solid grade harder than the left two problems to me... Either way, incredible line! 5 Stars!
  • V5
    Fantastic! Little thuggy at the bottom, but very pleasant after that.