Wills A Fire – V6


This fun route climbs up good holds to an incut seam. A gaston/fingerlock move at the top leads you to a solid topout.

Start low, move up to the big pocket, then move up and right through the seam and up over the top.

The landing really isn't great and has been built up with a bunch of sticks and logs, so be sure to pad the area well and make sure your spotters are paying attention for the topout. A fall from up there could easily lead to a broken bone or two.

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Recent Sendage:

  • V6
    Juste wow!!!
  • V6
    Joe's has so many great V6's holy
  • V6
    Taller than it looks in videos!!
  • V6
    Classic. Chose the wrong beta for the first go, dialled in next go. V good
  • V6
    Psyched to do this before we have to go home!