Suburbia – 5.13a

20m / 66ft, 7 bolts
FA: Dan Beland - 2017-07-19


Start on Subdivisions for 5 bolts. Where Subdivisions cuts hard right, clip a bolt out left and follow the lip of the Amphitheatre up left past a reachy crux. Clip another bolt straight up then pull the lip to a good stance. One more tricky face sequence gets you to the anchor.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.13a
    My first 5.13! I was close to sending at the end of last season, but couldn’t get it done, and did it pretty quickly this year. Super fun moves, but you might struggle on the crux if you’re any shorter than me (5’7”).
  • 5.13a
    Third go. Fun one with a burly, heroic crux move.
  • 5.13a
    Fun route and a logical objective after completing Subdivisions. I took for granted the sequence after the crux throw and it cost me a few attempts.
  • 5.13a
    Thanks for all the beta Frank
  • 5.13a
    This one is for the lanky lads with a real gorilla mindset. Definitely easier if you're tall. Cool climb, heinous flapper. 7th go :)