
Starts on the left side of the mistress and the menace boulder and finishes on flapping heads. Start seated with arete pinch and flat undercling. Originally completed by @tristoon on Instagram. Potentially it was done back in the day but wasn’t recorded.

Show Beta

Recent Sendage:

  • V9
    I’ll shamelessly take the v9 personal grade, but could definitely feel easier for some depending on height and beta. Super fun problem!
  • V8
  • V8
    Sent with the ninja styles. Think it would go at 9 with that beta but there's easier alternate beta as well that prob puts this at 8.
  • V8
    I really liked this boulder! Great variety of holds and various techniques with a safe landing and challenging T/O. The grading seems consensus easier than V9 at this point. Likely V7 or low-end 8? I'll suggest 7B personally
  • V9
    Starts on left side of mistress and the menace boulder. Finishes on mistress and the menace. Originally completed by @tristoon on Instagram.... unless it was done back in the day.