Tesseract – V4

FA: Mark Derksen, Trent Hoover - 2015-07-13

Recent Sendage:

  • V4
    Same day as MOS MOF
  • V4
    Really fun and scary
  • V4
    This one kicked my ass for a session. Came back with a vengeance and sent it.
  • V4
    Nice aesthetic block, topping out is a little wonky.
  • V4
    Saw some beta videos on this that looked really hard? We ended up just getting the high right heel and rocking on. Committing but much easier than the arete pinching. Worth mentioning that a face hold broke off in a large flake. It doesn't change anything since I don't think it's typically used for hands, but it makes the feet a little trickier on the top.