The Outlaw Star – V12

FA: Marc Bourguignon - 2018-06-15

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  • V12
    2018-06-15 (FA)
    Located on the far right side of the Thunderballs face. Start on the left side of the wall with a left hand gaston on the first mini-roof feature and a thin right hand crimp. Climb straight up and right though improbable holds onto the blank face for a spicy and committing finish to the juggy lip. So psyched!! A beautiful and improbable looking face with crazy holds and features. It was an awesome process cleaning and figuring out the techy moves. There are just enough holds to make it possible. The skin and conditions aligned and it all came together! Really stoked on this one! So grateful for adventures with Matt. *After deliberation with other opinions, and comparing to The Drowning Grip and The Method I've decided to bump the grade to v12.