Millenium – 5.13d

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.13d
    Feeling fit! Had to give it all the beans and channel my inner Dan in order to get this done. Almost couldn't rest at the last rest because my left calf was so pumped. Awwww yeaaaaa!
  • 5.13d
    No really hard moves but the pump is hard to fight! For me there's an 18 move section between shakeouts. So good! Tried hard to finish up on T-Rex but fell a few bolts shy of the anchor.
  • 5.13d
    This was a battle for me, such a relief to finally get it done.
  • 5.13d
    Epic!!! Fell at the exact same move at least 10 times before a very strong young gaffer told me what's up and gave me the money beta for the send! So happy! This was probably the hardest route I've ever done.
  • 5.14a
    13d or 14a - I don't know....