Ice Box of Broken Dreams – 5.12d

18m / 59ft, 8 bolts

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12d
    First 12 donkey in a day. Didnt try it before the upper section had the big chunk of rock come off but it climbs super well now. An approachable bow valley 12d.
  • 5.12d
    Went first go of the day after cleaning up around the flake post-break… definitely needs a bit more. 5 tries in total, loved the beta that I figured out for myself.
  • 5.12d
  • 5.12d
    Aboard the send train! Thanks Nate, Blaze and others for beta/stoke
  • 5.12d
    I thought it would go quick but turned into a marathon. My 5th go of the day it finally went...