Hate Handles – V10

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  • V10
    7C+ on 8A.nice. Agreed, if you are 5’10 and under, with normal ape index. It will be a limit move. Hardest single move I’ve done.
  • V10
    Really hard one move wonder. 5 sessions.
  • V9
    Unless you're elf sized, it's not 10. I think 9 is pretty generous even
  • V10
    This climb was freaking tough.. Couldnt do any betas on it and finally sent it one day somehow. Much harder than other one move wonder v9's like Brevity.
  • V10
    4 sessions until it was soft. Tried all the usual methods and they just didn't fit me. Used the highest RH and then did it first try and it felt like V5.