
Start with left hand on left facing sidepull/undercling, right hand on sloper out right. Fire up left to the crack then continue left and up. Tim Doyle's original line started with the same left hand undercling sidepull, and right hand on the tiny crimp up and left of the sloper. When the wall was rediscovered the sloper start became the norm.
FA: TD 1997

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Recent Sendage:

  • V8
  • V8
    Super good climb, glad I got a chance to get out here before the heat sets in
  • V8
    Great climb! 5th go and first of the grade, couldnt be more stoked!
  • V8
    1st V8, took 5 sessions. Seemed very hard until the body positions came together, send go felt cruisy
  • V8
    Super fun! Just like every other line on this bloc, felt impossible until I found the perfect beta. Kind of a one move wonder except all the other moves are also hard...