Rodeo Clown Sit – V10

FA: Ethan Salvo - 2020-10-17


SDS on left edge, right undercut. Execute 2 tension moves to gain the stand start of 'Rodeo Clown'.

Recent Sendage:

  • V8
    Doesn’t add much
  • V10
    Crazy day today, razorblade down and this down first try? Temps really make a difference. Repeated it for the video lol.
  • V10
  • V10
    New and improved start to 'rodeo clown'. To me that jump was a different beast from SS. Took 3 additional sessions. Felt just as hard as the other 2 extensions but double dynos aren't really my strongest subject. Those guys are just beasts. Just gotta TURST
  • V10
    The two hand moves and three foot moves doesn't add too much difficulty into the stand, easier than razor blade, but harder than other 9s in the glen so V10 might seem more appropriate.